Everyday tips for working moms

Hi everyone! Life as a working mom can be overwhelming especially with a newborn or multiple children around the house.

I love hearing them smiling and talking about how their day was. That’s why I wanted to share with y’all some tips I use to keep my focus, healthy and most of all enjoy my babies every day!

1) Pray, meditate, alone time:
Whatever allows you that time to connect with yourself, use that as a workout for your soul. For example, I enjoy praying the rosary every day. Sometimes if I’m too overwhelmed I pray it twice a day. I feel so much better after!

Besides, there’s nothing better than starting your day thanking for all our blessings.
If you do not like to pray, it’s ok as well, find some alone time for yourself, even if it’s just a trip to Starbucks. What I do in this case is try to connect with myself sometimes we forget what our goals are when we are tired and have a household to run.

2) Ask for help!
This one is a big deal for me. In case you are not aware I live in Houston and my husband and I have our entire family living in Argentina. That’s kind of far from Houston (a 10-hour flight).

When I had the babies it took me a lot of time to realize I can’t do it all. I wanted my house clean, fresh meals every day, laundry done on a daily basis, and no toys around the house. now I can laugh.

Ask for help, we can’t do it all. And when I say “we” I don’t mean just moms, my husband does a lot around the house. But we do find ourselves doing all the things that “needed” to be done and we forget to enjoy the little things.

3) Find a reliable caregiver!
This was one of the biggest reasons I was able to return to work after I had both of my sons. Finding a caregiver for your children you can trust it’s essential. Whether you decide to go with a nanny or a family member make sure you let them know if something worries you. Make sure to set things straight.  In fact, they need to understand that you need them to commit and it will make things easier for everyone.

4) Exercise!
Yes, exercise will not only be good for your physical health it will also make you feel better. I find myself in a much better mood on the days I’m able to work out. You don’t have to go to the gym even a 30 minutes walk around the neighborhood will work. Look for gyms that offer daycare while you work out. I have to admit that there are days I’m exhausted but I drag myself to the gym even if it’s just to go to the spa. There are days that we need to give ourselves some grace. 🙂

5) Find your tribe!
Lastly, Surround yourself with friends that empower you.  Could be co-workers, family members, anyone! I have different groups of friends with whom I can share different aspects of my life. You can have lots of acquaintances and that’s perfectly fine, but it’s also ok to have a few strong friends with that you can pour your heart and soul. This way you can easily share when you feel frustrated or just need to vent without hurting anyone’s feelings.

These are some of my humble everyday tips for the working moms that I wanted to share with y’all.

Finally, I want to know some of your tips to keep you motivated on a daily basis. Share them in the comment box below.

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