Hello there! Here we are once again with a new blog post. I thought quite a lot about how to call the post, but I wanted to be honest with you! So that’s why I choose this title…Yes, there are days that WE ALL SURVIVE BLOGGING!
Blogging is not for the faint of heart, if you ever think that it’s just taking pretty pictures and tagging the brands you are wearing, let me tell you it’s just not true.
But without getting into details about what blogging is all about I wanted to share how I survived, or at least I’m trying my blogging burnout.
For the last two years, I was quite busy, baby Benjamin came into our lives, trying to finish my Master’s Degree, my older son, husband, house and the list can go on and on! I
Not sure what happened but from one day to the other, my blog changed, my mindset changed, and my inner circle changed.
I can tell you one thing that helped me to change how I view myself and the work I do with the blog. Blogging can become very lonely sometimes, so here’s my major advice! Get out of the house/office and network. Connecting with other bloggers will not only help you keep your sanity it will allow you to expose yourself and showcase the wonderful job you are already doing. We know the hustle, we know how many no’s we get till we get that one yes that changed everything.
It’s thanks to these wonderful ladies that I’m here today sharing my thoughts. So this blog post it’s a humble tribute to these amazing businesswomen, who gave themselves and myself the chance to thrive in this industry.
2 Responses
Love this so much!!!! Thank you!!
Thank you Alley!